Nhangara immerses children and young people in culture through contemporary and traditional Aboriginal dance. The aim is to foster childrens’ cultural and community connection and develop their dance skills.


All children and young people between the ages of 2 and 17.


Every Wednesday between 4.00 to 5.00 pm.


The Space, 4 Church Street, Wyong.



How to take part

Frequently asked questions

Yes. Nhangara is led by Aboriginal dance teachers who range in age, knowledge and skills. The team has links to local community, land and culture.

That’s not a problem. That’s exactly why Nhangara exists – to learn, and we all have a great starting story, and we’d love to be part of your child’s!

No, however we do recommend that your child attends consistently. If students frequently miss class, it is difficult for them to catch up on what they may have missed.

We suggest they wear comfortable clothes and shoes.

No. Nhangara only runs during term time.

Meet the facilitator: Josef Graf Cooper

Josef is a proud Badtjala man from Kgari, youth mentor, and facilitator of GNL’s Nhangara Dance classes.

After finishing high school, Josef studied for his Certificate III in Aboriginal Dance at NAISDA Dance College, Australia’s premier Indigenous training college:

“Growing up, I was taught cultural dancing by my community and have felt an affinity for dance and the creative arts ever since then.”

Josef has worked at GNL for 18 months but has been part of the GNL community for far longer:

“I attended Barudir Youth Group all through high school. The connections I’ve made through Barudir; those guys are some of my closest friends. That’s how I met Bryce, the other youth mentor, and he moved in with us for a time. And the stuff I learned I have carried with me ever since – cultural knowledge and caring for health and wellbeing, mental and physical.”

His time with Barudir inspired Josef to work for GNL after finishing at NAISDA and to carry on the organisation’s positive impact with young people and community:

“I wanted to get involved and work with Aboriginal youth. I think this is the best way I can make an impact for our community. I love facilitating the dance group. I love being able to share stories with these young kids. I’ve noticed that once they know the choreography, they start to help each other, and I love seeing that.” 

Our Partners

Gudjagang Ngara li-dhi Aboriginal Corporation acknowledge the lands of the Darkinjung that we are privileged to work and live upon.

We acknowledge the wisdom of our elders and include their voice in all that we do in our community.

We also acknowledge the importance of nurturing our children and their important contribution to our combined story.

Gudjagang Ngara li-dhi Aboriginal Corporation

02 4305 8807


4 Church Street
Wyong NSW 2259