
To empower the lives of Aboriginal children, young people and families living on Darkinjung Country through early intervention and prevention services and specialised casework.


A Darkinjung Country where all Aboriginal families, children and young people are connected to their community and culture and can fully participate and contribute to their story.


  • Respect

    For self, community, country and our ancestors.

  • Inclusion

    In actively creating cultural and spiritual belonging in a safe space.

  • Social Justice

    for the right to self-determination and recognising the continual struggle against racism and oppression for all Aboriginal people.

  • Integrity

    through truth, transparency, consistency and predictability.

  • Ngara

    Listening to one another through continual cultural learning.

  • Gudjagang

    Generations gathering in caring and healing ways.

Strategic Priorities

  • 1. Keep our children safe

    Resource programs and system responses that keep children and young people engaged in education and/or employment, connected to their families and communities, and provide opportunities for individual and collective growth.

  • 2. Listen to children and young people’s voices

    Align our services with what children and young people tell us they need.

  • 3. Connectedness

    Working in concert with government and local Aboriginal organisations to support growth in the local community.

  • 4. Grow our systems and infrastructure

    through truth, transparency, consistency and predictability.

Our Partners

Gudjagang Ngara li-dhi Aboriginal Corporation acknowledge the lands of the Darkinjung that we are privileged to work and live upon.

We acknowledge the wisdom of our elders and include their voice in all that we do in our community.

We also acknowledge the importance of nurturing our children and their important contribution to our combined story.

Gudjagang Ngara li-dhi Aboriginal Corporation

02 4305 8807


4 Church Street
Wyong NSW 2259